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30 Aug 2021

中国经济新闻网讯(记者刘慧) 在华夏文明几千年的发展历程中,东方艺术不论是瓷器艺术还是书法、绘画艺术都在引领着人类的审美。







China Economic News Network (Reporter Liu Hui) In the course of the development of Chinese civilization for thousands of years, oriental art, whether it is porcelain art, calligraphy, and painting art, is leading the human aesthetics.

Recently, a reporter from the China Economic Times interviewed Zhai Yuanliang, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the China Democratic National Construction Association, and the vice chairman of the Chinese National Painting and Calligraphy Association, in Beijing regarding the inheritance and revival of Chinese painting and calligraphy culture and art. He said that the Chinese nation cannot do without cultural self-confidence. Chinese painting is divided into landscapes, figures, flowers and birds. It has a long history and rich cultural heritage. It is a heavy precipitation of Chinese human feelings and needs to be passed on from generation to generation.

Zhai Yuanliang, also known as Yueshi and Ziyu Jushi, was inspired by his grandfather and loved painting and calligraphy since he was a child. In the early 1970s, he studied painting and calligraphy under Zhang Boju and Guan Songfang. He entered the Beijing Cultural Relics System in 1978 and has been engaged in painting and calligraphy appraisal and sorting work for many years, under the tutelage of Mr. Xu Bangda, Liu Jiu'an, Su Gengchun, etc., and devoted himself to the study of calligraphy and painting theory.

Ancient literati and elegant scholars placed their love on the mountains and rivers, and placed their poetic and picturesque feelings on the mountains and rivers, expressing their emotions and aspirations. Zhai Yuanliang's landscape paintings convey the culture of Lao Tzu's "Tao De Jing", implying the natural endlessness of Taoism and expressing his open-minded and calm attitude towards life.

Zhai Yuanliang published a collection of "Drawings on Laozi". My painting friend Zhai Yuanliang is approaching Laozi and Zhuangzi with each passing day. In recent years, his paintings are full of Taoism and Zen. The works are innocent and transcendent, with great aesthetic personality and modern nationality. The so-called good fortune has been taught, the source of the heart has been obtained, one mountain and one river, one fairy and one bird, the movement and the static, the yin and the yang, the ideology is the scene structure, the expression of the heart is the hill, expressed in the current pursuit of the concept of green life The artist's philosophy of returning to nature, freedom and liberation.

Qi Gong, a famous Chinese educator, calligrapher and painter, once saw Zhai Yuanliang's landscape paintings and once commented that "the strange pine is like a dragon, the strange stone is like a tiger, the brush is carrying the wind and the clouds, and the mountains are misty and rainy". Zhai Yuanliang told reporters: "Chinese traditional ink painting is like a human hand, pen and ink like the palm of the hand, and the sculpting ability is like the back of the hand. It is indispensable. Together they are fists and palms, which are infinitely variable and unpredictable."

Now, in Zhai Yuanliang's studio, he paints and drinks tea every day, and he can paint with both hands. "Painting on Laozi" embodies his understanding of "Tao De Jing" and the creation of artistic conception. He often said: "In my life, I have an eternal bond with painting and calligraphy."
